As I’ve been referencing, we’ve had a lot going on lately. We are pleased to be able to finally share one of the most exciting things that is happening in our lives right now: we are expecting our third child! Parker prayed for months for a baby, and it appears that it is true that God has a special ear for children’s prayers. I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with a due date of July 17th.
The pregnancy has been going well so far. The first trimester I was exhausted, emotional and nauseous. All the usual symptoms… just slightly more pronounced than in previous pregnancies. I was chasing two boys around while trying to settle into a new house and get through the holidays, so I imagine that had something to do with it. I really can’t complain though because I’ve had it pretty good compared to what some women go through. Part way through the second trimester many of the symptoms eased up fortunately. I am also happy to report that all checkups continue to reveal a healthy mommy and healthy baby.
Parker eagerly awaits the arrival of our new baby, of course. He says he wants us to have 21 boys and 21 girls someday. I’m thinking that’s unlikely to happen, but I’m glad that he enjoys his brother so much and looks forward to more siblings. Austin, on the other hand, is the baby right now and is quite happy with that role. He is also not a big fan of sharing his mom and dad. Before Austin was born, Parker seemed to understand that a new baby was coming. Austin is slightly younger than Parker was though, and whereas he will say that there is a baby in my tummy, I don’t think he really knows what that means. Austin’s development has been skyrocketing lately, so all that could change by the time the baby actually arrives. Whatever happens, I imagine there will be an adjustment period for all of us, but I’m not overly concerned because I know that the boys will absolutely love having another sibling and all our lives will be blessed by this newest child.
So now for the big question… is it a boy or a girl? Since we have two boys, many people expect that we must be hoping for a girl. We did not have a preference though. We love having boys and would welcome more. We also think a girl would be an exciting new adventure. It’s really hard to go wrong. Interestingly enough, Parker was really hoping for a girl. So what do you think the gender is? Dun, dun, dun. It’s a girl. 🙂 Pretty pink things here we come…
We haven’t done much to prepare as of yet, but since we already have baby stuff from the boys, there isn’t too much that needs to be done. We do plan to convert what is currently our office/ guest room into a girl’s room and to get her a dresser. We’ll also need girl clothes (we are keeping an eye out for a good yard sale), and perhaps a new car seat (we’re not sure yet if we can squish all three seats in our cars). Other than that, it’s mostly finishing up any projects that I can and trying to schedule some husband/wife time. We look forward to meeting you soon baby girl!
Yeah how exciting!!!!! Congratulations, so happy for you all 🙂
Crisi recently posted…The Road That Leads To The Cross – Resurrection Sunday
Thanks Crisi 🙂
Yay! Congrats to you and your family! How exciting to welcome another little one. 🙂
Thanks Katie! You’ll have to share with us all your best tips for balancing 3 kids.
congrats!! Yay! Three is sooo much fun!! Alicia had a few various regressions (not with baby E, but a new sister, a new house, a new bed, sharing a room & potty learning is a lot for a 2 year old!) My ped told me to indulge her for 6 weeks, and it’ll get back to normal. And at 5.5 weeks – she was totally back to herself again. Austin will be amazing.
Thanks Sara! That’s good to hear. I appreciate the insight and encouragement.
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