It’s been a while since I’ve written in my Little Moments series, but I really love this series. It’s so fun to share about all the special little things that my kids do and say. There is so much I could say, but I’m going to focus on just one little moment for each of the boys, and two for Audrey since this is her first time being featured in this series.
Audrey: Pushing & Pulling
One of Audrey’s favorite hobbies these days is pushing and pulling things. Laundry baskets and toy baskets are favorite items for pushing. This can make a loud sound on our wood floors, so sometimes her brothers will get annoyed by it, which is funny since it’s not like they are exactly the quietest members of our family. Pulling things, like the toy luggage that a friend handed down to us, is also a good time to her. She’ll go all around the house laughing as she pushes and pulls things. It’s cute as long as she’s not stealing the basket of laundry that you’re in the middle of folding. 🙂
Audrey: Brave & Bold
One thing that amazes me about Audrey is how bold she is. It’s hard to know how much of that is her natural personality and how much is growing up with big brothers, but it sure is fun to watch. As an example, when we were playing in a stream this past June, Audrey, who at this point could only walk while holding someone’s hands, not only wasn’t scared of the chilly water, she wanted to walk all around in it. Keep in mind, this isn’t like walking around in a bathtub or a pool, the water is moving and the ground is rocky. Nonetheless, she charged through it, happily exploring. Audrey also likes to scare her mommy by climbing the ladder to her brother’s bunk bed by herself– she can make it to the top now– yikes! She’s also not afraid to climb the play structures at parks and go down the slides by herself. Another time, she stood up on a push toy and proudly clapped her hands (at less than a year old). Fortunately, she seems to have some understanding of her limits and expresses caution at times too.
Austin: Submarine
About a month ago, Austin created a little something that he calls his submarine. He modifies it regularly, but here is one version of it. He is super proud of it and how he made it himself. He will almost certainly show it to you if you come over. It’s probably his most prized possession right now, and he plays with it almost daily.
Parker: Inventor
Parker is always inventing things. Anytime we have boxes, Parker usually tries to adopt them. Everything is a treasure to him, which makes it really hard for me to get recyclables all the way out to the recyclable bin without them being repurposed (and thus continuing to be stored in my house). He’ll use them to build all sorts of things. He doesn’t just limit himself to boxes though. He can create with just about anything. And there is always an elaborate explanation for what it does. He is amazingly creative, and he even has an entrepreneurial spirit, as he often has ideas for different businesses he wants to start. Parker has a new idea or creation almost every day!
Siblings are the best!
My absolute favorite thing though is the relationship between my children. Parker and Austin, of course, have sibling squabbles like anyone else, but they are also best friends and can play so happily and beautifully together. And amazingly, Audrey jumped right into the mix and fit in just perfectly. She thinks her brothers are the best thing ever, even though she wishes they wouldn’t try to pick her up or bonk her on the head.
Linking up for the final week of the Weekly Writing in October challenge.
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